Code of Ethics

Our members adhere to the following code of ethics
We encourage borrowers to use credit wisely and encourage prompt payment of all debts. Consumer account histories are typically furnished to credit bureaus, allowing borrowers to establish and enhance credit information.
We perform underwriting to determine the ability of an applicant to repay debt.
Payment Terms
We provide applicants an installment loan that is amortized with reduction of principal and interest in substantially equal payments.
We employ only lawful and reasonable means and methods in the collection of delinquent accounts.
We strive to be responsible, fair, and nondiscriminatory in our lending practices.
We comply with the law, which sets the loan size, loan term, rate of interest and all fees and amounts that may be received by a lender.
We conduct our operations in an ethical and legal manner. We cooperate with federal, state, and local officials authorized to regulate our industry.
We cooperate with federal, state, and local officials authorized to regulate our industry.
Our Promise
We actively bar or remove from our association any member or firm who does not adhere to the Code of Ethics.